Christian Häsler has built up an independent client base over a period of 20 years. He has found Aquila Vermögensverwaltung Zürich AG to be the ideal environment in which to foster and develop his client relationships. The interests of his clients have always been and will always remain his own. Sound ethical principles form the basis of a long-term, sustainable partnership and Christian Häsler’s clients place great value on this attitude.
Christian Häsler has worked in the financial sector in Switzerland and the United Kingdom for over 20 years. He has held key management positions in addition to working in investment consulting, fixed-interest securities trading and strategic asset structuring. He lead a department at a renowned Swiss private bank for five years and was a member of the investment committee at the same institute.
In 2002, Christian Häsler made the conscious decision to focus on his clients and ensuring their continued support. This clear focus lead him to join Aquila Vermögensverwaltung Zürich AG in 2013, because in his view, any successful investor must be able to think and act independently at all times. The spectrum of investment opportunities in a globalised world is vast, so the intrinsic value of independent assessments and decisions is the key element of a successful financial strategy.
Christian Häsler
Business Economist  dipl. oek.
Edit Höller Zen Ruffinen
lic. iur
Managing Partner and CEO
Honesty, independence and objectivity are the values on which Edit Höller Zen Ruffinen has always built and continues to foster in her client relationships today. An environment that is continually changing requires constant vigilance and adaption of investment strategies to suit current circumstances and the prevailing market situation.
Edit Höller Zen Ruffinen opted for complete independence when she founded Aquila Vermögensverwaltung Zürich AG in order to dedicate herself in full to her clients, without employer bias. Her clients value her independence, because it makes them independent too.
The Partners at Aquila Vermögensverwaltung Zürich AG
Edit Höller Zen Ruffinen founded Aquila Vermögensverwaltung Zürich AG in 2004. She has worked for over 30 years in investment consulting, customer management, marketing, education and human resource management, and speaks five languages fluently. As a member of the directorate of a renowned Swiss private bank, she organised training workshops and events for more than 12 years, and is the author of various publications.
Edit Höller Zen Ruffinen has carried out pioneering work for women in the financial world, and not only on her own account. She has made a vital contribution to helping female investors to a better understanding of financial affairs, and has laid the foundation stone for financial consulting for women in Switzerland. And of course male investors also profit from the advisory services of Edit Höller Zen Ruffinen. 
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